8 Tips for Spending Your Free Time at the Airport

When it’s time to hire a car service to take you to the Scottsdale airport, you don’t want to waste time and get late for your flight. However, what happens when you get stuck at the terminal or you need to spend your free time while you’re waiting for the next plane? Fortunately, there are clever ways to relax and unwind. Read on!

What to do in an airport while waiting

What to do in an airport while waiting? 

First off, you should Local staff can give you a simple guide to the transport process. These are some of the ideas on what do do at the terminal before your flight. 

Make calls

If the flight is delayed, it’s a good idea to call your friends and family and let them know that you’re okay. Whether you’re going to make a video call or a short phone call, this should keep their worries at bay. Of course, if you’re traveling for business, you should inform your partners about delays.

Listen to music or a podcast

Don’t forget to bring your headphones, favorite smart device, and a charger. You’d be able to spend a couple of hours listening to your favorite playlist or podcast, and the time will just fly by. 

Read a book

If you tend to spend your time scrolling through social media, you could get some rest from screen time. It always great to have a hard copy of your favorite book, if you don’t have access to your eReader at the moment. Alternatively, you can pick some magazines at the terminal and relax. 

Write a journal

If you’re returning from a city break, you could be full of impressions. Write a couple of entries about the most interesting moments, what you’ve learned from your trip, or what you want to do next time when you visit the location. 

Is it legal to sleep at Scottsdale airport

Take time to organize your trip

When you have extra time on your hands, you can easily plan out your itinerary. Read brochures, research your destination, check out local landmarks, and book appointments, if you’re travelling for business. 

Have a lunch

If you don’t have a snack with you, check out the local restaurants and pastry shops. Order a meal that will help you stay energized. Also, it’s a good idea to buy a small snack for later. 

Visit a lounge

Most terminals have a dedicated lounge area where you can relax, make calls, have a cup of coffee or tea, and make your plans. Long sitting can cause discomfort, so take your time to walk around the lounge area and do some light stretching exercises. 

Take a tour of the city

If you have several hours to spend in the city, you can book a quick tour and visit some of the most attractive landmarks and monuments. For instance, you can visit the latest art exhibition at Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, or do some retail therapy in the local shopping district. 

Is it legal to sleep at Scottsdale airport?

If you’re waiting for more than 8 hours, you can easily squeeze in some naptime. However, you may wonder if sleeping is prohibited in public spaces. Fortunately, you shouldn’t worry when waiting at most airports – it’s not against the law to rest on the benches. Of course, you should make sure that your belongings are safe, so keep them in a locker while you’re resting. What’s more, many facilities offer public bathrooms where take a shower and refresh after your well deserved rest. 

Where can I find an experienced and reliable car service to get me to Scottsdale airport

Where can I find an experienced and reliable car service to get me to Scottsdale airport? 

If you want to begin your trip without having to drive your car in order to catch your flight, Stay Classy Phoenix is always at your disposal. If you want to reach your destination in a stylish and comfortable way, we have you covered. You can count on our drivers to get you where you need to be on time, without hidden fees, and without hassle. 

Reach out to us today to book your ride and stay classy! 

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